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Boy with Teddy Bear

Electric Blanket Safety Testing

The after effects of an electric blanket fire.

Use of this photo has been approved by the owner

Every year around April or May in New Zealand, people bring their electric blankets out of storage and make their beds with them to keep cozy.

While they are convenient and inviting, Electric blankets unfortunately are known for causing fires or electrical shock.

The main dangers with electrical blankets occur if they have been put away in a messy or folded manner, or if they are too old.

Anything over 3-4 years old can have a higher chance of failure.


Kadec Test and Tag recommend an electrical test and Thermal imaging at the beginning of every year to help ensure your family is safe and warm.

The process is quick and inexpensive.


Kadec offers a full Thermal and electrical testing service for Electric Blankets that can give you that piece of mind that you or your loved ones are safe.

Our Electric Blanket tests include:​

  • Cost efficient drop-off service

  • Full visual inspection

  • Full electrical testing to ASNZS 3760

  • Full Thermal inspection to ensure there are no "Hot Spots" or dangerous internal issues

  • Full electrical and Thermal report if requested

  • Retirement Villages, we offer on site testing. For a special discounted price we can offer the convenience & fast service by coming to you, avoiding uneccessary cold nights without your blanket.
    (conditions apply)

Thermal image of a good electric blanket
Real life thermal image of a very dangerous electric blanket
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